
Tuesday 12 January 2016

Connecting reverse....

As Steve jobs once mentioned,
“You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future."
This is the true story of life. 
Just think what will you be on today's date next year? Will you be a multimillionaire entrepreneur, one in the series of Bill gates, Mark Zukerberg, Ratan Tata or one similar....or will you be the CEO of the company you are currently serving in as a normal employee...or will you have made some world record..or will you be any ...just any other thing that can come across your mind...
You can't answer can only imagine this..or may be plan for the same...but the question that you can most appropriately answer is what  you were a year back on today's date and what you are now.
You can very aptly describe the changes you have gone through during this period. And the reason that you can answer this question so beautifully is that you can connect all the dots very precisely now.You can clearly see why did you get up early and worked on Sundays when others were wrapped in their quilts till late and enjoying their weekend. You now can visualize why  you missed your best friend's marriage just to give finishing touch to your official tasks when all other friends were updating their Facebook status with the pics of the different wedding can see all the good that you have jotted down while juggling with the adversities that existed at that point of time...these questions, which were that time labelled as "some questions have no answers", become very transparently answered when they are looked reverse...that is from present to past.
So don't ever worry when you don't get answer to WHY's of the present...they will definitely have fruitful answers in future. Just one important rule needs to be positive and do good....and all the dots will connect beautifully one day. And let this be your new year resolution.

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