
Monday 8 September 2014



What is the definition of human happiness?? To get rich?? To get successful?? To get someone??? But isn't this worldly happiness relative?? you get richer than you already are, or than anybody else, but once you reach that you want to more rich. many people have allowed money to ruin their lives.You want a big house, you get it, but once you get it you aspire for bigger. And imagine one of your relatives getting it before you. will you still be happy?? We all know the answer. So, all such pseudo-happiness measures that have been alluring people since ages are transitory and fade away in an instant when we compare our assets with others.

The only reason behind human sorrows is this desire for relative happiness. This has made even our emotions, like love, to become relative. Now you don't love someone but you love someone more than something else.Same is the case with trust, with respect and even with negative emotions like hatred and fear. We end up being discontented only because this is what we actually aspire for. With relative happiness we can never build a truly happy life.

But then what absolute happiness is???

It is when we desire not to get, but to give. Not to get immense bank deposits but wisdom. Not to get successful, but enlightened. One can get absolute happiness only when one ends the tradition of comparison, and learns to praise the work of others. We get into a conflict when we feel that what other person says is wrong, but if instead of being judgemental, we walk in a mile in his shoes and consider that he is right in his place if not mine, we may get many problems solved and be happy. To get happy, you need to first know yourself, your sorrows and your desires and then choose selectively which desire to be heeded and which one to be abandoned and only then you can achieve supreme joy, wisdom and compassion and a happiness which is perpetual and won't fade away with time or instances because it is the absolute happiness.


Mohit said...

Its hard to follow, but true!

Shourya Sharma said...

deviji (like babaji) ki jai ho.. devi ji ki jai ho