
Wednesday 20 April 2016

The era of deluxe education

Gone are the times when the word deluxe only was an adjective to commodities like  buses, cars, hotels, apartments and cuisines. But now this word speaks loud of the splendid educational institutes, with high profile management and splendid architecture, lavish swimming pools, grand air conditioned classrooms supplemented with costly online learning screens, most stylish uniforms, deluxe school buses and a multi digit school fees- unaffordable by most of the parents but paid out of urge of status. And student learning - Oh It's OK with the learning, who cares if that too is deluxe or not????

Most of the richie kids attending there hi-fi institutes come wrapped in airs of money, giving a shit to education or learning. They attend schools or colleges as an obligation and for the want of a degree. This becomes an advantage to the institutes that are capable of giving all the luxuries and facilities of the structure in lieu of heavy fees , but are not suffice enough to deliver quality learning- thereby transforming education to industry-'The deluxe child raising industry'.
When we talk of  India growing as the world leader, how can we forget the amount of focus that needs to be paid to the learning of students, who actually are the future of the nation. Students and parents are into a rat race of admission into a world class school or a top ranking college. But beware of the fake allurements presented to you by them. Join an institute or a system that imparts you learning, not just luxury. Even a less equipped school or college can be better than 1000 other high profile ones, if they are capable of helping a child to not just read a book, but learn the practical sense of it and then keep him motivated to learn further, ceaselessly without any race of brands and degrees. 

This is high time when Indian education system needs a strong- a very strong learning management system that can bring back the charm of learning through technology, which is buried beneath the heavy weight of technological transformation- especially the revolution of social media ,which has led to banning of cell phones and tabs in education institutes due to unnecessary engagement of students leading to time wastage. We need a system that can convert this time wastage to time utilization and instead of such bans, schools and colleges be promoting and supporting e-learning.

Aayushi Kapoor